
ThermiVa® is new, non-invasive, non-surgical procedure that is using the “Science of Heat”. The Technology uses real-time temperature monitoring and regulation ensuring the therapeutic temperature delivered to the sub-q layer is reached, but more importantly, maintained. ThermiVa® contracts tissues to a tighter bundle. It encourages collagen production and may help in tissue and nerve healing. ThermiVa® is non-surgical alternative to vaginal rejuvenation surgery and has been shown to treat vaginal laxity, vaginal dryness, stress urinary incontinence and sexual dysfunctions.

Critical Pregnancy Care
treatment for urinary leakage
treatment for urinary leakage

ThermiVa® device uses radiofrequency energy to gently heat the internal (vaginal) and external (vulvar) tissue. ThermiVa technology is the safest, least invasive and gives the best non-surgical results currently available on the market.Thermiva – A convenient radiofrequency treatment, performed in-office.

Non-invasive, non-ablative, non-surgical, and no anesthesia required
No hormones
No downtime
Delivered at your comfort level

The Importance of Collagen
Collagen is a protein that makes your skin firm and elastic. The natural aging process can diminish collagen. When the skin has less collagen, it can lose it’s youthful appearance.By using radiofrequency energy, skin is heated to stimulate and rebuild your body’s own collagen, naturally.Treatments using radiofrequency technology are widely used in dermatology and aesthetic

The vulva and vagina usually show decrease in laxity after treatments. Most patients report improved vaginal lubrication and reducing vaginal dryness.ThermiVa treatments were noted to increased clitoral sensitivity and improve orgasms.ThermiVa has been found to be effective in treating mild stress urinary incontinence.Each treatment usually 30min or less.We believe that three in-office treatment sessions will optimally help to achieve desirable results. No complications reported after ThermiVa® treatments so far.

ThermiVa Handpiece
Hand Piece Size: The width of the hand piece is about 0.5”. The specially designed hand piece has a thoughtful design with comfort in mind.

Active Tip: The small metal square on the bottom of the electrode is the active tip – this is the area that will gently heat the tissue via emission of radiofrequency energy.

Indication & Safety Information
Thermi® radiofrequency products should not be used on patients who are pregnant, have a fever or skin infection on or around the area of application. Expected procedure side effects may include transient pain in the procedure area, erythema, and edema.

Critical Pregnancy Care

For more details regarding treatment for urinary leakage contact us here