Thermi Tight

ThermiTight is a minimally invasive, skin-tightening treatment with little downtime. It uses heat to melt fat and tighten saggy skin anywhere on the body. This fairly new device is shaping up to be an effective non-surgical rejuvenation treatment.

Critical Pregnancy Care

Many people search for an effective and long-lasting way to combat the signs of aging without surgery. By using radiofrequency energy, skin is heated to stimulate and re-build your body’s own collagen naturally.

ThermiTight causes permanent tightening to the areas being treated. While, the results are permanent, the aging process is not stopped. ThermiTight is a non-surgical alternative to a facelift/necklift, but at this time there is no equivalent non-surgical substitute for a facelift.

Radio-frequency skin tightening. Of the non-surgical treatment devices that exist, many use radio-frequency. Radio-frequency works by heating the skin. Upon heating collagen, skin tightens because of immediate collagen fiber contraction and, also, from delayed new collagen formation.

Since ThermiTight is performed using local anesthesia, the procedure does NOT hurt. The area to be treated will be anesthetized and therefore, you should be comfortable throughout the entire procedure. Some patients take a mild sedative to relax before the procedure.

Let ThermiTight® help you look as young as you feel. By using radiofrequency energy and a small temperature-controlled probe, your provider will gently heat targeted tissues until the desired endpoint is achieved.

treatment for skin tightening

Why You Should Choose Thermi Tight:

*  Single Treatment Single Treatment

*  Manageable Downtime Manageable downtime

*  No surgical scarring 

*  For all skin types and tones

Critical Pregnancy Care

For more details regarding ThermiTight contact us here

Treatment for skin tightening