Pregnancy Care

Pregnancy Care & Delivery

Pregnancy is considered to be one of the most challenging and important phases in the life of a woman. The complications are health problems that occur during pregnancy. They can involve the mother’s health, the baby’s health, or both. Some women have health problems before they become pregnant that could lead to complications. Other problems arise during pregnancy.  whether a complication is common or rare, there are ways to manage problems that come up during pregnancy.

Critical Pregnancy Care

How Can You Have A Healthy Pregnancy?

The best way to ensure a healthy pregnancy is to focus on the things you can control and do not obsess about what could happen. Take good care of yourself and your developing baby and talk with your healthcare provider when you have concerns. 

In case you have a concern or query, you can always consult & get answers to your questions!

Critical Pregnancy Care

High Risk Pregnancy & Management

  1. Obstetric complications like elderly >35 years,  previous 2/3 cesarean section with adhesions or placenta accreta,  recurrent miscarriages, hypertensive disorders, eclampsia, placenta accreta/ previa, preterm labour, premature rupture of membranes, abruptio placentae with shock, multifetal gestations, Intrauterine growth retardation, Rh negative pregnacies, malpresentations, oligohydramnios/polyhydramnios, post partum complications like PPH, surgical complications which need further surgical corrections like hematoma/ ureteric or bladder injury/retained tissue
  2. Medical complications in pregnancies like iron deficiency  anemia, sickle cell disease, thalessemia, acute viral hepatitis with or without complications,intrahepatic cholestasis,  DIC/ HEPATIC encephalopathy in labour,diabetes malietus – Overt/ gestational, heart diseases in pregnancy, thyroid disorders, renal stones, pyelonephritis , obese patients , EPILEPSY,tuberculosis  SLE/lupus nephritis/ Anti phospholipid antibody syndrome  
  3. Gynecological conditions in pregnancy like fibroid uterus , ovarian cysts,
  4. Surgical conditions in pregnancy like  appendicitis, cholecystiits, GB STONE/CBD stones, breast abscess or piles 


At Suyash Multispeciality  Hospital we have a tertiary care – multi disciplinary team approach for all high risk pregnancy complications. Till date we dealt with several complicated and referred patients. we have all equipments, High dependency unit 20 bedded {HDU},50 bedded medical and surgical  ICCU each, 4 world class modular  OPERATION THEATRE, SKILLED AND EXPERIENCED DOCTORS,  well trained staff to deal with any complicated high risk case.  We are dealing successfully with good outcome following  CONDITIONS in which MDT approach was implemented

For more details regarding pregnancy care and delivery you may contact us here